Category Assignment Set 2

Satire In Action

      Alot of the time when I’m studying something, such as satire, I like to get a fully rounded view of it by experiencing it in different ways. I like to see it “In Action.” I find this helpful because it gives you a wider feel for the subject. How it can be […]

Power of the Powerful- Satire Part 2

Often times I feel like my position is very much like that of this little boy’s. Constantly looking up at the huge influences and powers in our culture today that seem to tower too high above my head to even see. This position is frightening. It’s unsure and unsafe because it relies on imperfect empires […]

The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side- Two Cycles Within Empire Rebellion

Ever since the first rebellion- the bite from the fruit- mankind has been searching. Searching for answers and solutions. Searching for peace and satisfaction. The only thing mankind hasn’t searched for, in and of himself, is God. The point overlooked here, however is that God is the answer. The only answer to every problem is […]

Satire- The Literature of Subtle Rebellion

As instructed in Humanities, here I am pondering E.B. White’s essay on readers attempts to keep up with the published works of authors(more commonly known as Irtnog). A brilliant form of inflation satire that really reinforces the importance and meaning of reading instead of just the accomplishment of it. So now, to answer the assignment […]